Audience classification: blog tasks


Read Media Factsheet 232 - Approaches to Studying Audiences. You'll find all our factsheets in our Media Factsheet archive: M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets. You can also access them online here if you use your Greenford Google login. Read the factsheet and answer the following questions:

1) How is audience defined in the Factsheet? individual people who consume a media product.

2) What does the infographic for Gen Z in the age of Covid-19 suggest about the media Gen Z consumes? It suggest that gen z mainly consume online video mainly than other types of media due to the  covid 19 pandemic

3) How do media companies target and measure their audience in the digital age? They use algorithms and scheduling  

4) What did the NRS used to do and what does PAMCO do now? 
NRS used to collect information about audiences of newspapers industry from 1956 to 2018.Its classification system of putting people into social groups and grading them based on the type of work they did was vet applicable and began to be used by a variety of people and it's structure  became establish by people as the norm grading system.

 PAMCO collects  information on newspapers and magazines in print form but also their digital presence,

5) How are demographics and psychographics defined in the factsheet?
Demographics involves getting data about individuals and what they are consuming and is used  to observer potential trend people could be interested  and is done by PMCO. Psychographics looks  at hoe people react and act in terms of consumer goods  
6) Now read the rest of the factsheet - we'll be studying these theories over the next few lessons. Choose one audience theory you think is interesting and explain why.  Uses and gratifications theory because it focuses on what the media is used for.

2) Psychographics presentation and reflection

1) Post the details from your psychographics presentation (details in the blogpost above) to your blog with all details of the couple you created and their media consumption (it needs to be on your blog individually but can be a duplicate of your partner's post).

The couple is called George and Sarah  live in London and are mainstreamers who are interested in most things the rest of society focus on

George is a skilled construction worker with years of experience and Sarah is a manger in a business 

In his free time George is most interested in watching football and watching whatever is popular in  the cinema at that Time whereas Sarah also watches what latest in the cinema along with reality TV and soap opera's e.g. goggle-box and EastEnders 
2) Reflect on what you have learned about psychographics. Which psychographic groups do you feel best fit YOUR lifestyle and personality? Explain how and why you made your decision and provide evidence justifying this.
 I would say I'm an explorer struggler and mainstreamer.  i watch the latest  movies but eat junk food and also look for interesting brand


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